Thursday, October 9, 2008

Meet and Greet

So.... sad news.

I was so excited because Jaren finished digging potatoes last night (1:00 AM) and it meant that he might be able to come to Utah with me. I feel like I haven't been able to spend any time with him the last month between spud harvest and school. It's made me a bit sad. So this would have been a much needed very short vay-cay.

But then we checked the weather. Stupid weather. Stupid snow.

It's supposed to snow here and in the Malad Pass which is kind of how we get to Utah. It's supposed to snow tomorrow when we are going to drive and Saturday evening when we were planning on coming home.

Now. I know what this means. I'm really sad I'm going to miss the meet and greet. And not be able to shop (which was really truly the highlight of my trip. Kidding!) BUT. The weather is supposed to be just peachy NEXT weekend. If I come next weekend, who would still want to meet me?

I will probably come anyway even if nobody wants to see my sad sorry face. So. Who could do either dinner Friday or on Saturday a breakfast or lunch or dinner NEXT weekend?

I'm sorry Kristina! (I'm really sad about it.)


Mindi said...

i like how you said "which is kind of how we get to utah" sorry.

i'm gonna miss the meet and greet, too. they wouldn't bring it to me. :(

Kristina P. said...

Oh no! My heart sank a little when I read that.

I have lunch plans on Saturday, we're going to Lagoon the following weekend, but I would be up for dinner Friday night, after I get off work, or dinner Saturday night.

Snow ruins lives.

Brittany Marie said...

That sucks! Snow sucks. Oh, and Malad sucks.

Whitney R said...

Mindi - I know. I have the same problem which is why I guess I wont be there either.

Kristina - Okay, maybe we'll do dinner then. :) I really hope I can still meet most everyone.

Brittany - Yes. It all sucks. But, can you do dinner or anything else?

Brittany Marie said...

I'm going on a date with Que after the Meet & Greet and next weekend Que and I have our adoption classes. :(

Whitney R said...

Well, those are a bit more important that dinner :)

Erin said...

I'm from Logan and I know that stinkin' Malad pass all too well. Stupid snow!

Wendy said...

snow, snow go away come again another day! Glad you think of things like that, I drive through blizard, then wonder "why" afterwards!!

Whitney R said...

Erin - Yeah... I HATE driving on freeways in snow. Which is why I'm not so sure I can go. :(

Wendy - I'm kind of paranoid I'm going to die if I drive through a blizzard. Because it sure felt like it once.

Whitney R said...

or twice

Jillene said...


I could meet you on Friday sometime. My hubby works next Saturday which means I would have my kids but if you wanted we could all go to breakfast together and you could see what my life is like and meet my kids--whatever but I WILL MEET YOU NO MATTER WHAT!! )0:

amber belmonte said...

this is officially my first comment on your blog. i'm pretty sure i've been here a couple times, i've seen your comments on kristina's and alexis' blog... and maybe ashley's? so hello new blog friend.

i can't make it to the meet + greet either. it's sad. and next weekend we're moving into our new house, so i really hope the weather behaves itself.

kristina is right, snow does ruin lives. frick.

Brigitte said...

Ummm.....hi. So I see your comments everywhere and all my eBFFs are friends with you so I wandered on over to say hello.

Well, truthfully I've been to your site a few times now but never had to courage to comment before. What changed? I dunno. I guess I'm feeling dangerous tonight. haha.

The whole glade lady thing made me laugh. And I love your subtitle for your blog. haha. Are you having a baby anytime soon?

Also thought I should mention I'm from Idaho Falls. I live in Provo now but my family still lives up there. Malad Pass can be pretty scary when it snows. But I didn't even realize it's suppose to snow this weekend! Yikes!

Okay that's enough. Hope I haven't freaked ya out with my lurking. :)

Jillene said...

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I thought that maybe it was just a bad dream--no such luck!!

*MARY* said...

Great, my otherwise happy Thursday is now ruined. I'd be up for a mini meet the next weekend. If Jillene and I both bring kids maybe you wouldn't be so baby hungry anymore.

Anonymous said...

This meet and greet sounds fun! Is it just for a select few? I would love to meet everyone, to bad I'm stuck in sunny California.

Wendyburd1 said...

*kicks her foot in the dirt* Ya know I'd meet ya if you drove ALlllllllLLL the way to CT right? *sniffle* I would I would! And you know how shy I am (seriously, but laughing too!)...stupid country being so BIG!

Unknown said...

I am so sad I can not check out your bum in real life to see if it matches the picture!

Now see, I am the crazy one that would say I was going anyway. The weatherman is always wrong and snow just doesn't scare me that much... but that may be more stupidity than bravery

andreamichelle said...

wow, you got a lot of comments for this post. I won't be able to go either, but I wanted to thank you for the ride offer- even if it was canceled due to impending snow storms. I was wanting to go also, but things came up and it just isn't gonna happen.

Alexis Treese said...

I cant go to the meet and greet because I'm in Vegas and la la la. But what I really wanted to say is how much I feel your pain, Casey has school and work and he leaves at 6 am and I usually go to sleep before he gets home. It so horrible. Ive actually been pretty depressed about it. Awww poor us.

Victoria Elder said...

sad :( so I am going to be home in like 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! Ah so Jake is totally in Utah he had to fly in for the weekend for work, so im in albuquerque, drive here its hot, OH dang it if I would of gone home with Jake I could of gone I didnt even think about it! He was being a cheapskate! Ugh someone come change my childs dirty diaper already

Whitney R said...

Jillene - maybe we'll see if we can get everyone together for Friday dinner? Or at least those who can make it. I'll meet with anyone whenever they can. It doesn't have to be one time for me.

Amber - I've seen your comments everywhere too! I'm going to check out your page.. don't know what's taken me so long. Thanks for commenting :)

Brigitte - Hi! I'm glade you were brave. We can be friends :) I'm glad you like my subtitle. haha. No baby or baby on the way but I want one. I'm super baby hungry.. I talk about it all the time, it helps me cope with the whole, not getting pregnant soon thing. Yeah, they said expect up to 6-8 inches on the ground and so I was a bit worried. And I lurk all the time!

Jillene - I'm sorry :( (it is a bad dream, though)

Mary - haha, both of your children would make me even more baby hungry - they are adorable. Could you do dinner friday? Or would Saturday work better?

Mommy Madness - it's for whoever wants to go. Kristina is putting it on. If you are ever visiting Utah, let me know and maybe I'll be able to make a trip :)

Wendyburd - someday I plan on going to Washington D.C. how far away is that from you?

Ramona - you can check out my kettle drums next weekend! Can you do dinner Friday night?

Andrea - I'm so bummed about it all. I'm going next weekend, though! Maybe we'll have to plan a trip down sometime.

Alexis - I completely know how you feel. It's horrible. It will be such an amazing relief, though when he is finished with his crazy schedule. Before the baby, I hope! It seems like it's been this way for Jaren and I since April. I'm so happy he's home at 5 or 6 now.

Victoria - if I was there I'd change Dax's diaper. :) 2 weeks?! Man, too bad your aren't coming home next week b/c I'm planning on going next weekend. But I'll be there again sometime before the end of the year, I'm sure. :)

Ariana - I would. But my husband wouldn't let me and he probably wouldn't have come. And my mom is coming this weekend and there is a baby shower. So much stuff in one weekend! It would be much much harder if there was nothing going on here this weekend to help distract me.

Wendyburd1 said...

Just like 6-8 hours...LOL!! And I tagged you!!

Unknown said...

I think Friday is good. It is fall break here, but we have decided to stick around and have a 'house cleaning' weekend, so I should be able to do something on Friday night.

YAY! Let's just hope that we get home today for the BYU game....that is sacred around here.

Bonnie the Boss said...

I couldn't go either. So sad. I hope you and your hubby have a nice quiet weekend at home though.

*MARY* said...

Friday or Saturday or even both!

Wendyburd1 said...

You are bringing them JAREN'S POTATOES!! Oh the hurt, it's right here in my heart...ouch!! And what's with no new got SNOWED in!! SO Sad...and u don't want me as a facebook buddy!! JAREN said Hi to me!!

Leslie said...

So sorry you didn't get to go! But I have been over that Malad pass a time or two - in the snow. I've even been stuck in Malad trying to get over the pass. It's just better not to be up there in bad weather! really stinks!