I hope everyone has had a very fun Halloween day!
I went to school and did everything I would normally do on a Friday.
Except today I dressed up as a Disney Princess.
I bought this dress 3 years ago and it was even 2 sizes too big then. But I was also about 13 pounds heavier than I am now (freshman 20 - story to come someday) so it fit a little better then than it does now.
I spent $50 on it so I vowed to wear it more than once or twice or three times. This is my second time and I'll wear it again in another 3 or 4 years.
I went to school and did everything I would normally do on a Friday.
Except today I dressed up as a Disney Princess.
I bought this dress 3 years ago and it was even 2 sizes too big then. But I was also about 13 pounds heavier than I am now (freshman 20 - story to come someday) so it fit a little better then than it does now.
I spent $50 on it so I vowed to wear it more than once or twice or three times. This is my second time and I'll wear it again in another 3 or 4 years.

It's still a little big.

I was waiting and waiting for my Prince Charming to come kiss me awake.
Waiting.... waiting....
Waiting.... waiting....

Needless to say everyone at our ward Halloween party called him out.
There is always next year, my friends.
One of my Young Women girls wanted to paint my face.
I told her to paint a crown on me because I was a princess (by the way, I LOVED dressing up as a princess because everyone calls you one. A great self esteem booster, let me tell ya.) She didn't know how to do one of those. So instead she did these...
5 points for whoever can guess which Princess I was.
I'll take Princess Fiona for $500, Alex.
(oh, wait...she's not technically Disney.)
Ehhhhh. Nope. Good guess Brenda. Onto the next contestant.
That's cute that you got one of your Young Women involved.
Ummm, Belle?
Sleeping Beauty?
We went to a small party. I'll post pics on Monday.
Crap! Kristina always beats me! You are Sleeping Beauty (hence the "sleeping" pic - duh!) I needed your princess costume to dress of with Kaeden. Since he was a dragon, I wanted to be a princess, and Jeff a knight/dragon slayer. Too bad we're too bad of slackers to put ideas into motion 2 days before Halloween. Oh well. You look really pretty! :) OH, and just a suggestion....to get more use out of your costume. Try wearing it to a wedding or two. It's a nice way to compete for attention with the bride. :)
Kristina and Ashley - 5 points!
Ashley - hahaha, wear it to a wedding?! Yeah.. attention.. but what kind? Maybe I'll crash a random wedding someday in it and see if anyone says anything to me. Oh, you could have borrowed the dress! Would have been super cute with your dragon and dragon slayer :)
Don't mean to sound like a Disney nerd but technically you are dressed up as Princess Aurora, Sleeping Beauty is just the name of the movie she starred in.
Happy Halloween! Maybe you'll be able to fit in it after you've had a couple kids.
Aaaawwww....what a cute princess!! I was going to guess Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty but since I was beat to the punch and you already gave the answer I guess I just suck!! (0;
The little hearts are a very nice touch. :) Maybe I should have gone as a princess instead of a court jester, I could have used the self esteem boost. lol.
WAY cute . . .
Sleeping Beauty has been my favorite, favorite, favorite princess since I was in preschool. We had an LP that told narrated the story and had some of the songs in it. I totally envy your costume. If you ever get sick of it, send it my way!!
..but don't call me Aurora. I like Briar Rose better. Thanks.
Mina gets 10 points for saying Briar Rose!!!
You looked so pretty!!! I was going to dress up, I usually do, but I was too busy chasing Dagansaurus Rex and making dinner.
did you take that picture in your house?! Cool wood work i love it! and i love your outfit...
Aaauhhhhh! What a pretty princess you make! Fun! I love dressing up. I have a renaissance costume that I wear for Halloween! My boys love it and so does my hubby but he won't dress up.
Hubbies, what party-poopers!;)
I'm so glad Halloween is over. Now we can concentrate on what's important: My birthday!
Hello pink dress, Sleeping Beauty! The three fairy godmothers had a fight on blue or pink and pink WON!! The fairies names were Merryweather, Flora and Fauna...yes I am a Disney freak...yes I do well in Disney Trivia AND Disney Charades!!
Whit you so purty Aurora aka Briar Rose....see I KNOW the movie!!LOL
And Prince Philip not Prince CHarming!! And Malificient was the witch!!
haha, yes wendyburd you do know your stuff :) More than me!
Julie - Oooookay, when is your birthday?
Mommy Madness - I love the Renaissance costumes. I was thinking about purchasing one for next Halloween.
Chelby Jo - yes, that was taken in front of our wall of cabinets we call a "pantry" :) I LOVE my cabinets.. one of my favorite things about what they did to this house.
Misti - I wouldn't have been able to chase Dagansaurus in that dress. Good thing you didn't dress up :) Or you could have been someone wearing pants.
sleeping beauty?
i see you didn't follow TAMN's rule of thumb about halloween being g-optional. you could have really skanked it up as pocahontas or tinkerbell! you look beautiful :)
very cute face paint! your young women must love you to pieces! i was a YW leader in illinois + i miss it!
Very cute! I dressed up in as June Cleaver. I wore a skirt and cleaned and made dinner...wait, I do that everyday (well, not a skirt EVERYDAY). But I DID get candy so I guess that counts!
Sleeping Beauty is my all-time favorite Disney movie.
... except I prefer the dress BLUE. (Merriweather was the best!)
Her name is Aurora! Kristina shouldn't get it!! and I know this because I have a 4 year old obsessed with all princesses and last year she was AURORA!!
I'm going to guess....Sleeping Beauty? Yup...90% sure that's it. :)
I pulled an almost-all-nighter with a bunch of my friends from back home. It was intense. We got through several movies and a heated discussion. All in all, a great Halloween.
I guess Princess Aurora? Can your dress change to blue as well? Or do you need a fairy's intervention for that?
:) you look cute!
I love good sports on Halloween, ie grownups dressed up for the day. I was going to guess Sleeping Beauty before I even read the answer, honest! I didn't dress up, but had fun enjoying all the dressed up kids during trunk or treating. I dressed up my dog, does that count?
You make a great disney princess. You should save the dress and practice reading Sleeping Beauty in a Disney voice...you can go to Birhtday Parties and charge a bunch (at least that is what some gals do here). Then your dress would be paid for!
my niece is a pink disney princess too.
I guessed princess aurora too, although, technically, Ariel wore a gown similar to this too... not that I study my Disney Princesses... but... yeah,
you look like a disney princess should. ever think of leaving the farm and going to make it big at disneyland? it IS the happiest place on earth.
AWWWW Whitney, you're so cute! I'll call you the Pretty-In-Pink Princess because I'm from the 80's and that Molly Ringwald movie rocked.
Or you could be sleeping beauty gone PINK just to be unique, because that's just how you are.
I dressed up this year for the first time in a long time. I was a witch and it felt GREAT! I went to work dressed up and no one else was dressed up and I didn't even care. I was like, "I am so much cooler and funner than any of you!"
We ate the last of your potatoes today. When can I get more?
Cute costume!
If I had a dress like that I would probably wear it every single day.
now i miss disneyland....
I wish I had clothes that were too big for me! Well I guess I do have my pregnancy clothes but those don't count.
Lookin good though!
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