That's right. I can listen to, fix and create problems. I have more money than English Royalty. If I think girls aren't being taught right, I will make my own school. If the right political candidate is not being endorsed enough - I will give him my T.V. channel. If I say school is cool - it is. If I say orange is the new black - everyone will wear orange and never get hit by cars while walking across the street. I am so filthy rich I give away cars to every member of the audience at my talk show. If that isn't enough, I give them all washers and dryers and TV's, too.
While this here economy is currently being flushed down the toilet, I am sitting on the toilet seat laughing away.
That's right people. Never Fear
Woprah is here.
Hahahaha!! Hahahaha!! That is HILARIOUS!!
I am glad that you got Hannah's picture/thank you card. She is a sweet little girl--at least I think so!!
That is the GOLDEN toilet seat, right?
Woprah.....man, who died and made her king?
Tell me what to read, Woprah!
That picture sort of scares me.
You know, go Oprah and everything, yay, she rose above poverty. You go girl.
But I kind of hate her. I'd rather die than watch her show.
I agree with Julie!!
Can she get you out your test this week and the training program?!!!!
In the 20+ years she's been on the air, I've watched a combined total of 2 hours of it. It sounds like I've been missing out.
Queen Harpo never looked so good!
(I'm not a fan o' her, but I'm a fan o' you!)
Is your toilet seat made of gold?
Can I come over and chip off a little piece of it?
Nice earrings!
That is so freakin funny! By the way... I did your tag but I dont think anyone thinks I am interesting because I got no comment love. Haha!
That is AWESOME!! lololol.
If any of you are on facebook, We recently started a group called "Oprahs not as cool as she thinks se is. Feel free to join. :)
Woprah Says:
My Golden Toilet seat is also heated. If anyone would like a piece - I'm planning on buying a new one anyway because this one has been sat on 153 times and that's getting just too used even for me.
Bidding starts at $5 million.
Haha, I think I'd prefer Woprah's opinion to Oprah's. No lie.
so much for not being good at photoshop! :)
Is this your halloween costume? Woprah is way less scary than Oprah.
Ha, ha! That pic is nearly seamless! Love it!
I'd love to see Oprah in a potato field, like Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs sort of thing. Do you think she could fill your shoes as well as you fill hers?
Oh Whit, that's too funny! Love the picture!
Scary!! Woprah, are you going to fix the world's problems by SHARING some of your ridiculous wealth? Yeah...I thought not. Dang girl!
Woprah has it all--Just like Warbie!
So does this mean all your blog followers get free scooters and microwaves?
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