My wonderful husband accidentally closed the recliner when the cord was laying there and.... splice!
Did you know that you have to order an external charger dealy? That stores don't stock them?
Did you know they cost 70 DOLLARS?!
I didn't.
Needless to say, you know why my newly washed face is so sad.
I hate it when I make mistakes like that. I love it how you collapsed to the floor to make a pouty face!
I feel your pain! My computer is in the shop. It's like a child of mine was kidnapped or something!
Aaaawwww....at least you have internet service--ALL OF THE TIME!!
Who cares about the stupid cord! You're not posting about not being able to come this weekend! Yay!
So sad!...Having multi computers here we have lots of spare charger dealies. Sorry we're to far to lend you one!
Ah Ha I know how you feel, except I broke my own macbook which IS my 2nd child & it is expensive to fix, I've been waiting to get back to utah & it's so hard for me to wait. I've been dying to digi-scrap!
This is terrible news Whitney, just terrible!
Life is still worth living though, so don't go and do something stupid.
Why do so many people want to be a shark? Eagles can fly and baboons get to throw poop at each other.
THAT is a serious bummer.
...but your pouting is pretty darned cute!
stupid recliners!
Men's recliners are EVIL...it wanted to EAT your cord and succeeded!! Now you have to shed some of the tater money for a cord! $70 bucks...I so must treat mine like glass now!
LOVE the pic Whit!
I just have to say that I am sorry, that stinks. Also, you have tainted the Glade lady for life for me, every time I see one of her commercials I think "you stinking sweatshop running liar!" sometimes I say it out loud and my husband thinks I am crazy...seriously! But it makes me laugh too:)
NO NO NO! I bought a spare one for my work computer (laptop) so that I didn't have to pack the cord back and forth, and I swear I only spent like $10 for it. I'll see if I can look up where I got it from.
Okay, I'm back. So it wasn't $10, but I paid $33 (shipping included) when I got it from simplemicro.com. Here's a tip--it doesn't need to be "Dell" brand. Just have the same port. Mine has worked perfectly. Hope it's not too late! I think I just googled "power cord" for my laptop style, and ouila! You might even find it cheaper than me. :)
Oh, and make sure you post the details about your meet and greet this weekend. I just might be able to make it. Depends on when the stupid buyers of my house let us in on their plans (still don't know when we have to be out). Of course, this is assuming I'm invited. :)
At least you didn't splice the cord when you threw a fit at the computer because it was not downloading music to your ipod (that was a 30 dollar tantrum).
Cords should be much cheaper than that!
Erin - I had to show just how devistated I was. For blogging, of course. :)
Julie - w/o a comp!? I was going crazy that this would go dead and I would have nothing. But then I remembered we had my husbands lap top we don't even use. And his cord has worked on mine, but we still wanted another just in case.
Jillene - yes,yes I do :)
Kristina - yeah! I'm coming!
Mommy Maddness - I would have taken you up on that offer.
Vic - hasn't that been broken for a while now?
Mary - It was a hard few days.. let me tell ya.
Mary - I don't know! I'm going to look up info on each one and do a post, though.
Brenda - thanks!
Rychelle - I cursed them too. Until I reclined and was comfortable.. then I had to apologize.
Wendyburd - I know. Evil evil things. again, though.. until I'm comfortable, then I like them :)
Sara Ann - haha. I'll never see her the same either. I'm always like, "Your evil!" Even though at the end she admits it's Glade. Still doesn't cut it for me. It's like crying wolf.
Ashley - too late! The next morning I ordered one because I had to have one. Cause not only is it super important for me to blog. I am also going to school and NEED my comp. Wish I had known about that last week. Although, I didn't do a lot of shopping around because I was in such a panic. Oh yeah, and OF COURSE you are invited!!!
Ramona - I just scream and yell. Not violent, just act like it. :)
So where the heck are we meeting for dinner?
I wish my newly washed face looked like that!
And I went without the internet for a whole day and a half. I thought I was gonna die. It's amazing how much technology rules our lives huh?! Stupid little cords everywhere. Always have to be connected somehow.
That sucks. Once Que took our laptop on a business trip and another coworker of his stepped on it. It refused to work after that. That's why we have the Never Leave the Laptop on the Floor rule.
DOH!!! Sorry...
So, I'm assuming that the people who are voting for the Italian restaurant of Johnny Carinos aren't the same people WHO JUST ATE AT OLIVE GARDEN!
Go Texas Roadhouse!
sad sad day
Yeah--well I need me a pasta fix and since I missed OG and I HATE red meat--I am voting for Johnny Carinos--SORRY!!
Oh no, that is sad! I would have gotten mad at my husband for that! So you're good for only being sad. If it had happened to me my face would have been angry!
i HATE when that happens!!
but your pouty face, washed clean, still looks cute, and that's all that matters.
did you get it fixed yet?
Raybould, I've never even heard of those restaurants so I'm suggesting Denny's or chuck a rama.
uhhh I suggest the Outback Steakhouse in Southington, Connecticut....that's only what a day or two to drive for din-din?!! What you won't do it!! LAZERS!!
Oh no. It's TIED!! We HAVE to get this figured... gonna do a new post.
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