I have been tagged with this one twice. I think it may be time.
Thanks Wendyburd and thanks Jillene!
1.) I talk too much. When I graduated from High School I got all of my past grade reports and every single teacher, EVERY SINGLE ONE said I talked too much. I knew that. But I've noticed it more lately. I'll be sitting in a class and I HAVE to comment on everything. I HAVE to be in every conversation. I HAVE to speak or I feel forgotten. I'm horrible at keeping things in. Sometimes I talk Jaren's ear off when he would rather I not talk at all. :) I'm learning the times to be quiet and I'm getting better at it. (But I don't think I am an annoying talker)
2.) I have to have one foot out of the bed. (I asked Jaren what my quirks were and this is what he said) I have to have pounds of blankets around me and pillows to sleep comfortably. But sometimes that get's hot. So if I put a foot out it cools me off. Jaren thinks it's funny. I think it's great
3.) I am a thrill seeker. I LOVE riding roller coasters and when Jaren and I were dating we went to Vegas and I convinced (he's terrified of heights) him to ride the big shot (the ride at the top of the stratosphere) with me. He wouldn't do it now that we are married - he only did it because I told him I loved him for the first time the night before. I STILL and will always regret not buying that picture. The funniest thing ever.
4.) I hate being behind traffic. I pass at least one to two people a day on my way into town. I'm not patient enough to just wait until we get to town - no, I pass the second I get a chance.
5.) If I have one or two questions for someone I would rather text than call. Drives my husband crazy. I don't really like small talk. Texting is so easy! And totally invented for the convenience of people like me.
6.) I'm a people person. I want to have parties at my house. Whenever there is an event - I want it here. If there is a get together - I want to be there. My husband is the opposite :) He is very patient with me and I've promised him when we build a home our bedroom and office can be his hiding place. Sometimes I have a hard time being so far out of town. No one wants to drive all the way out here to visit lil ol me. I NEED friends and social contact or I go nuts.
7.) I used to not be as emotional. But I started on Birth Control 3 months before I was married and for some reason I would cry if Jaren said, "Are you hungry?" It was a horrible year and a half. Not only did I basically have morning sickness (for the whole year and a half); the entire time I would cry at the drop of a hat! I'm not kidding. All Jaren would have to do is say, "Oh, dirty dishes." and it was like I heard, "Whitney! What kind of wife are you?! I work and work so you don't have to and you can't even get the DISHES done?!" So I would start crying and he would feel horrible and I would sit there knowing I was being silly and I couldn't even help it. He learned how to deal with my emotional issues and it was a world of difference when I could finally stop taking them. I was finally free! But there are some effects. I still am a teeny bit more emotional than before I was married.
Wait. Does marriage have something to do with it?
Now I'm supposed to tag 7 people... I wont hold you accountable if you don't do it and if you have already done it, don't worry about it.
1.) Amber (that's what she said)
2.) Misti (Ramblings from CA)
3.) Wendy (Going Incognito)
4.) Alexis Treese
5.) Chelsi (again... but she never does my tags, I wont stop tagging!)
6.) Lindsey - come on sis! Start a blog!!
7.) Ariana - only when you have time!
You're one of those people who has to comment in class????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I accept your challenge, but what do I do? haha
haha, not ALL the time! But a lot of the time. And I'm not annoying. PROMISE! I KNOW annoying commenters. Believe me, I thought about doing a whole post on this annoying guy.... but decided it might be too mean.
Alexis - Oopse. I was supposed to add the little dealy up ton. I'll do that right now!
haha, guess you do need instructions, huh.
I'm with you on a couple of these, like living too far from town, and wanting friends. I'm sorry you are so emotional; that kind of sucks sometimes, doesn't it? But hey, if it gets you out of washing dishes once in a while that MIGHT be okay.
I fixed it! Now there are instructions. :)
Erin - It just seems that when I am emotional, it's three times worse. I don't yell at Jaren.. which is nice. But I cry so easily it's ANNOYING!!
I feel that I need to comment all the time as well. Sometimes I don't make sense but I think it lets people know that I am listening.
What about the foot out of bed? That can't be comfortable. Is it off the bed or just out of the covers?
Mommy Madness - just out of the covers. I'm too scared to hang my foot off the bed.... who knows what's under it!?
I just like to make it clear that I am not an annoying commenter either!
haha, we just like to voice our opinions. That's all.
I just spent 3 hours on Friday and 8 hours on Saturday in a class with a lady who had a comment about everything.
Instead of remembering important stuff about adoption, I only remember that Chatty Cathy is 1/39th Cherokee and that her husband is a debate teacher at a high school.
I almost never comment in class. I just want to leave as early as possible!
Brittany - NO! I'm not one of THOSE commenters who feel it their duty to share everything about themselves relating (or not relating) to the subject. I just am involved in the discussions in class. Man. I'm looking like an annoying crazy way TOO much! I'm a GREAT conversationalist whether in a group or not in a group. Ask the girls at the meet and greet if I was annoying..... was i?!
Kristina - I usually want to leave, too. Especially today. Didn't say a word in my classes... just wanted to go home and go to sleep.
SEE, I don't talk in EVERY class period. Or social setting. Sometimes I'm in a quiet mood. But sometimes I'm not.
How sweet that Jaren noticed that little foot quirk.
I can't pass people while I'm driving. I get nervous that they'll be mad at me and shoot me, seriously.
Mary, in downtown Salt Lake I worry about the same thing. So I don't blame you. But I just pass a bunch of country folk out here. Most are old and they just think. "Dang teenagers" but little do they know. I'm a grown - up!
I love passing people, too. My sons always say "mom- you can beat them!" if we are behind someone slow. I hope they don't think it is always a race.
I LOVE having people over, and I am really sad if people cancel on me. I have even hosted Thanksgiving a few times just to make sure we all got together. My husband hates it, our house is nOT big.
Oh we would have so much fun watching a movie and commenting together!
And I'm the same way about the blankets. Love the weight of heavy blankets and the foot goes right out as soon as I get hot.
jeeze chatty cathy!
I don't have TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blah! I have to be up at 3am and it's 8:30... Studying still!
We have a lot in common Whitney! I talk too much too and I'm constantly trying to work on it (I stayed silent in relief society yesterday and it about killed me). You've gotta know Jaren really loves you if he went on the Stratosphere for you :0)
I love texting too! I hate talking on the phone.
But other than that, we are pretty different! I am the opposite on pretty much everything else.
Don't worry though, we can still be friends. haha. :)
I love texting too! I hate talking on the phone.
But other than that, we are pretty different! I am the opposite on pretty much everything else.
Don't worry though, we can still be friends. haha. :)
That emotional thing sounds lik it was terrible. Being on a rollercoaster like that is no fun. Sometimes just being a woman effects that too...(and people can argue that point as much as they want...women are just more emotional than men).
OH! I'm so so sad I missed your meet and greet! This is the first time I've been able to log into a computer, and look at what all I have missed! Glad you had such a good turnout. I'm really bummed I missed because all my favorite people were there (including you)! :( Hope your trip to Utah was great. Can't believe I missed out on the potatoes!
Oh, and btw, birth control was created by the devil to make us woman suffer from our own hormonality (I think I just made a word up). :)
I am so glad that you FINALLY did this! (0;
You are SO much like me!! I guess that's why I like you so much!!
I bet those annoying people never think they're annoying.... hmmm suspicious.... haha
I can only pass on the highway, otherwise I visualize myself crashing into an oncoming SEMI!!
I LOATHE the phone...and I bought a CELL! I LOVE texts...'cept no one texts me but my sisters!! Everyone knows I hate to talk on the phone, I get shy and it bothers my ears, so I thought they would totally text me...but they SUCK at it!And I am fast at it too! :(
Well you obviously know now I am an emotional roller coaster...(thats as close to a roller coaster as I like...unless they are really wimpy like Big Thunder Mountain in WDW) can't help it, is a part of me now...forever....*sighs*
I'm not a people person...but I want to be. I need friends too, that's why, hello, here I am, Come STALK me...and we can live stalk-ily ever after.
If I get really comfortable with a person...I can be a babbler...go from one subject to another...yes I have done that on here I think...that is probably a GOOD thing!!Cool!
I LOVE roller coasters! Did you ride on the New York New York roller coaster in Vegas?
I like to be in the middle of everything too, and have events at my house!
I do that with my foot sticking out from under the covers at night too. Makes perfect sense to me! Maybe it's something special that people like us born on July 31st do. Ya think?
just noticed that you tagged me ;) i actually HATE tags, but i think i just might do this one. but only because i do the foot thing too, and i'm convinced that we're twins that were separated at birth. only you're the cool one, and i'm the socially awkward computer nerd. sad.
No wonder you and Phil met.. he's just like you, haha! And I might have to get Phil to read your post about being emotional so he realizes I'm not the only one that goes hormonally crazy from B.C. pills. Oh ya, and I too do the foot thing. I could be buried in blankets and pillows, sweating to death and be content to just stick a foot out :)
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