We got off to a little bit of a late start Friday and were ten minutes late to dinner. I was very very nervous because I didn't know what to expect. AND I was late to my own meet and greet. Walking in with everyone staring at me... But really, I don't think anyone noticed me until I sat down. I had to do some convincing that I really was who I said I was. They still didn't believe until Jaren walked in and they recognized HIM. I did feel a little bad. No one brought their husband so Jaren was sitting by himself in the corner. We might have scared him a little with our loud, blunt, unabashed conversations. Kidding. He wasn't scared.
Just maybe a little.
My sister, Lindsey was with me as well and she still doesn't think she has anything to blog about.
I sat next to Mary and Jaren. Across from Teresa, Jo and Ramona. I really wish we had a round table. I think next time I'll ask for a HUGE booth so we can all be in the same conversation. At the other side of the table was Kristina, Christa, Jillene, and Amber and her very cute little boy. Everyone was so great and funny and I loved loved loved the evening. We talked and talked and talked. Finished eating our food, then went outside to take some pictures and then talked and talked and talked. Then moved over to my car where we gave out some potatoes and then talked and talked and talked some more until I could hear some throat clearing behind me (my little sister... we were supposed to take her to Provo and we needed to be there by 9:30 and it was almost 9). So I said goodbye.. tears almost fell and then we left.
I hope to be able to get together with as many people as possible whenever I come to Utah. I really enjoyed it. It was so nice putting faces and more personality with blogs. Kristina was as great as she is on her blog. I wish I could have been able to talk to her more. Jillene was so nice and funny and I also wished I could have talked to her more. Amber came in a little late (she was packing to move that night and was able to slip away for a social visit) and I didn't really get to officially meet her until after/during dinner and she is great. Think I can get her to move to Rexburg? Christa sat two seats away from me and I wasn't able to chat with her. I really hope I get to next time! Jo and Teresa were blogs I hadn't seen yet and they came. I'm so glad they did because they were both awesome. Jo made me laugh quite frequently. I talk about Ramona and Teresa further down.
I was hoping Mary would be looking ahead and then I would unexpectedly try to get a picture of us together... since she's now famous. But she turned her head! How will ANYONE believe I met famous bloggers! Oh... the pictures that are below are proof. Few.

I was able to get Jillene to smile for me (not that it was hard) for this BEAUTIFUL picture. Jo had this great stress relieving technique where you just stab a ball of wool with a really really sharp needle. Actually.. it makes little things after you poke it enough times. At first I was skeptical, but then I saw the end product.

Mary didn't even want to poke the wool. I tried to force her hand but for some reason she didn't trust me. Like I was going to stab her finger... why would I do that? To get a drop of your blood to wear in a locket? KIDDING! Your face is priceless.

Kristina tried it too. Really. It's amazing none of us stabbed our fingers.

These two giggle twins were talking about Ramona's charms and I took a picture. I really do hope they were serious with their Rexburg trip talk. They got me all feeling like someone really did love me and would drive all the way here just to see me (they even thought I was 6 hours away! 3-4 silly.. depending on if your in Provo or Salt Lake). Teresa was great. A new blogging friend - thanks for bringing her Ramona! I got to sit across from these two... so funny. Ramona was funny and told us about her Giraffe story from the Zoo in Idaho Falls. Did you know how badly I wanted to go on an African Safari? I've mentioned it on here before somewhere.

Jo had an amazing camera. She let me man handle it (how trusting) and take pictures. I had so much fun with it. I showed it to Jaren and he said... "how much?" Kinda like.. do YOU have a job? Yeah.. didn't think so. I think I'll have to save my money again and instead of buying clothes... I'll buy one of those.

Here we all are. Except Christa. She had to bail out early.. something about how horrible I was in person.. or was it that I smelt? Or was it that her cute little boy was tired? I didn't get to find out. We are all evil with red eyes. My Kodak thingy isn't working so I can't get rid of the red eye. I'm going to leave the professional pictures to Jo and Amber. Oh.. wait.. I think the only one she got of me was of me shoving a mouthful of salad in my mouth... dang.

Jaren and I went on a walk this morning while waiting for my sister Lindsey to be dropped off to us by Lisa (cousin) and found this. Who knows about this house? It's above the conference center and the Temple. I can't believe how huge, beautiful, amazing, manicured, AMAZING it is! Who lives there? I've told Jaren that when we are millionaires (hah) someday and have given all of our potatoes away we are buying those people out of that house. I want it! How have I never seen it before.... I just can't figure it out.

Remember THIS post? I found the shoes at DSW! (thanks for introducing me Kristina.. it really was shoe heaven. I was only able to get two pairs.. but I'm going back next month) They were cheaper. I got so excited I had to have Jaren take a picture, but we were afraid we were going to get into trouble so I dropped down, he held the camera at his belly and the only thing I could think of was Kristina's profile Twilight deceiving picture (did you know she HATES Twilight?? I didn't. But I do now). So I posed. I think next time I go, I'm going to buy them. I LOVE them. I don't care if they look like hooker heels.

I shopped and got some great stuff. I'm going to get all dressed up for school tomorrow and take a picture. I'll try to post it tomorrow. All in all this was a VERY fun weekend and I hope to get to do it again.
Awwww....it looks like you had a great trip to Zion!! I'm sorry I missed meeting you! I'd like to someday...we come to Rexburg every once in a while. But not on purpose.
Next time you accidentally come to Rexburg, let me know!
HEY! You promised not to show us crouching! Grrr! I will get you though, I am so posting the lettuce picture of you tomorrow, so watch out! I loved meeting you and your sis and your hubby, I had fun with everyone. Me and my double chins...sigh...
Uuuummmm....that pic is HORENDOUS!! Oh well--now I am outed what can i do?! I wish I could have talked to you more too!!
By the way--Hannah has made a thank you card for you and Jaren. Would you mind e-mailing me your address so I can mail it? It is really cute. She ate a potato for dinner on Saturday night and LOVED it!! She said it was the BEST potato she has ever eaten--really she did!!
I am really glad that I met you and your hubby and your sister! I think you are adorable!! I voted for YES!! Another meet and greet and YES to the weekend before Thanksgiving!!
Looks like you had so much fun! Next time! Next time!I would love to come next time!...I hope I can work it out..
Jo! I didn't have any pictures of ALL of us without crouching! You look fine!
Oh no.. the lettuce picture??
Jillene - I sent you my address. I thought Friday was so fun. I would love to do it again. And your picture is NOT horrendous! It's beautiful!
Mommy Madness - I hope you can work it out, too!
Looks like you had a great time!
That house - I can't remember (it's been a long time) but I think we looked at having our wedding reception there. I don't think anyone actually lives there (if it's the same place I'm trying to remember in my old brain!)
Yeah, that poking picture of me is rather scary.
But I still love you. It was fun to meet everyone! Can't wait to do it again!
It does look like you had so much fun. And that house is beautiful. I love the architecture.
First off, I stayed in a house almost just like that for my anniversary one year- and it was by the temple, but I am not sure if it is the same one.
Next- yes, someone forget to ZOOM so you wouldn't see bent knees in the picture. Oh well, we are all so hot it doesn't matter.
Next next- this picture did not have me holding my hooker shoes in the air. But someone has it, and it is awesome.
You are absolutely adorable and sweet and as funny asa you are on your blog. I had a great time, and I really do want to come craft for an all nighter. Is yor husband afraid of me?
Looks like you guys had a blast! If you do it again maybe I'll come... except I don't know all those girls, only Kristina. Hmm, we'll see I guess. But I LOVE that house! The area above the temple is called The Avenues and it has some gorgeous old houses. I love driving around up there.
And I love the hooker heels too. My kind of girl!
Kristal - hmm.. we wondered if someone actually lived there. So we walked around and found a mailbox with a last name on it. I'm just so curious! And I would love to know the history of it. P.S. thanks for coming by!
Kristina - the picture of you is not scary. Except for the red eyes.. but that is my fault. It was MUCH better than the candid ones I caught ;)
Erin - we did. I wish I could meet everyone.
Ramona - maybe it is? Is it like an inn? The hooker heel picture was taken with Kristina's camera, I think. It's on her blog! I should have stolen it from her. :) I loved your shoes, though. Jaren is not afraid of you! I say come.
Brigitte - I don't think everyone knew everyone. I met two new people there. It was a lot of fun. I hope you do come next time :)
RAYBOULD!!! How could you?! I look like a man!
It's a good thing you gave me potatoes or I would have had to delete you from my blog life forever.
Kristina HATES Twilight??! What? I am tre confused!!
I hope I am not a stranger to you, even though I am all the way in CT!!I'd have so been there in a heart beat if I could!
I don't wear heels (hello 5'10"!) but those are sick they are so cute! Which ones DID you get, you had like 8 pairs in that old post!
Can I just say, I love your blog!
I know you have no idea who I am, but I found your blog through Kristina's and thought I'd take a look (I admit, when I get bored, I stalk blogs, I guess).
The house is called McCune Mansion. It used to be owned by BYU Choir or something like that, I can't remember exactly. But now it is used for weddings and stuff. There is also a matching Inn behind it. You might wonder why I know all this, it is because I was love with it. And had to figure out what it was all about. My favorite part is the stairs. Gorgegous. They have a website with pictures too. It pretty cool inside, although I have only seen pictures of the inside.
okay so what is this? planned meet & greet for everyone?!?!? EWWW I thought you were just coming to see me I thought I was the most important :) haha ya i am stuck up what ya gonna do
I'm sorry I had to leave early. Its hard to ignore an ornery baby. He wasn't in complete meltdown mode when I left, but it was coming. Better to spare everyone that horror. He fell asleep within one minute of being in the car.
Looks like dinner was fun. My hubby can empathize with yours...he has come along on a couple of dinners with me, and been the only boy. Gotta love them for the things they come and do with us.
Mary - Don't be silly, you do NOT look like a man. And if you deleted me from your blog life.... my life really would be deleted.
wendyburd - nope, not a stranger. Just a friend I haven't met yet! ;) yeah, come to find Kristina really doesn't like it. I got a pair of flats and some comfy shoes. I am going to post pictures probably tomorrow or the next day.
Kayleigh - yes! I blog stalk all the time! Please do come back.
Amanda - yeah! McCune! That was the name on the mailbox. Thank you thank you. I still think I'm going to buy it. I'm going to go look it up.
Victoria - I hope you have an extra bed becuase I really am giong to stay with you. lol
Christa - he was sweet! If he got ornery, you could have just given him to me. I love ornery babies!
Willis family - yes. Yes he even shopped with me ALL day Saturday. Poor guy.
That house you have shown there is actually a reception center. Its beautiful inside.
It looks like y'all had a grand time!!
Found your blog thru Ramona and I am totally coming to hang-out next time everyone goes to meet-up. Also , just had to tell you that I lived in Rexburg for a year after the Teton Dam broke, my Dad worked for the Gov., and I have the best childhood memories of PIZZA there...Doesn't surprise anyone that knows me that the memory would involve food!!
SUPER cute blog..
Thats so cool you got to meet bloggers especially my lovely bff Amber. Wouldnt that be cool if we all lived in the same town and formed an exclusive friend club and had bunko nights and book cubs and people were jealous of us?
Alexis, I think that would be a GREAT idea. But, since we can't pick up the WHOLE farm and move, you two need to come to me :) Do your husbands have jobs they can do here? I'm sure they can. I mean.. Rexburg IS a booming metropolis. And your having a baby next year. I am(hopefully) having a baby next year. Maybe Amber is expecting and doesn't want to tell anyone yet. We could have a stroller jogging club, too.
If you only knew how badly I really would like that. lol. No friends!! (just a few)
hopefully I can come next time too, and DSW, I miss it
I used to live in Arizona and had on just up the street, boo hoo
Fun fun fun! You guys are cute n funny. You prolly just didn't invite me bc you thought I was oober busy getting ready for Super Saturday, right?
wendy - I don't know how it has taken me so long to find out about it!
Tamn - I was going to surprise you by just picking you up for the dinner, but I asked JJWT and he said you were working really hard on growing two babies and he did mention something about super saturday. A dinner with a bunch of giggling girls would have tired you out too much. So.. if you really wanted come, tell JJWT that next time I want to surprise you - to let me!
looks like fun!
sorry i missed it!!
Stumbled upon your wonderful blog and now I cannot get enough! Why is it that all of these amazing blogging authors live in Utah?? You couldn't live closer to Vegas??
Thought I would share a little info about this beautiful house. One of my girlfriend's got married and had her reception there last summer. It was GORGEOUS! I forget what the name of it is but you can rent out the space for events and I believe has the same owners as the Inn on the Hill down the street. [www.inn-on-the-hill.com/] We all stayed at that B&B and then the entire bridal party walked the block down to the wedding itself. BEAUTIFUL!
there are all kinds of shout outs to me in this post + in the comments! freaking moving/unpacking is ruining my bloggy life! i can't keep up with it all.
totally not expecting, but i'm sure taylor would love if i shoved his 6 year old body in a stroller for stroller jogging club! and what the crap is bunko? i keep hearing about it... everybody's doing it but me.
those hooker heels are HOT! you could totally rock them! ....on the FARM!
i think you and ali should come visit + stay at my house! tamn could come too! and you said I was bloggy famous!? TAMN's practically stalking you! :)
i LOVED meeting you at the meet and greet! i only wish we would have sat closer!
I came upon your blog via a mutual friend (Jessica/Mitch Hiatt). I know a little about the McCune Mansion (the house in the photo you took) from some videos I edited for a project called "Hallowed Ground, Sacred Journeys," made by a bunch of BYU religion professors about popular and little-known Church History sites.
The McCune Mansion actually has a lot more history to it than I think the other commenters have realized. It's more than just a "reception center." The McCunes were wealthy Mormons who imported some of the materials with which it was built from places like Holland. At one time it was the wealthiest place of residence in the state.
The McCunes lived there for a couple decades, then turned the home into a music school. In the 50s they attempted to donate it as a home for the Prophet, President David O. McKay, but he asked that it instead be donated to BYU, and it was used as an extension of the university until the 70s. Since that time it's been owned and privately run by another family.
Hope that's informative! :)
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