Really... I think I'm going a little crazy.
I have been working on Motor Development for a total of.... 8 hours today? A WORK DAY!
That is NOT including grocery shopping, THREE classes and lunch with Jaren.
I am the best procrastinator this world has ever seen. I have to take this test tomorrow and I have not done ANY of the reviews until today. Over 4 chapters.
I have this friend. I met her in my Friday class (I only have it on Fridays) and I sit by her every Friday - she makes me laugh. THEN, I went to my Tuesday-Thursday Motor Development class to find her in that one too.
So we sit by each other in that class too and joke around and make fun of the teacher or things being talked about. It's a lot of fun. You should try it.
So.. I have been working on the reviews and got 3 1/4 done. But the last 3/4 is so hard and is driving me crazy.
For proof: I will offer up the cry for help I just sent my friend that I have in both of these classes.
TO: Funny Fun Life Savor Friend
Did that get your attention? haha. I'm working on the review for Motor Development and I want to die doing Chapter 7. Have you done it? Maybe I am blind. Maybe I have been doing this for the last 4 hours and for 3 hours this afternoon so my brain is squeezing out of my ears? Wait.. nope, just checked. Pretty sure I'm just going crazy! I wish I had your number. I would have called and whined to your ears :)
I hope you get this tonight! I'll be up for a while.... If you need any part of it. I have all of 5 and 6 and part of the first part of 7. Then I went crazy.
If you would share 7 I will totally do TWO of the next reviews for us come next section. :)
Desperately Seeking Relief
I wonder if I learned my procrastinating lesson? Probably not. I never do.
Laughing at, making fun of and saying snarky comments about people is one of my most favorite things to do. I do it every opportunity I get.
lol. I try not to be mean and judgmental. Just sarcastic and funny :)
I can't help that I love to laugh
why do today what you can put off until tomorrow!
Aw Whit, you sound like you are on overload! Don't do that to yourself! At least only procrastinate long enough to give yourself TWO days to do this kind of work!! Otherwise your brain will plop on the floor and whimper!! Seriously...not a pretty site!!
I would have started yesterday but I was cramming for a super hard Kinesiology quiz.
I think the doctore has ordered potatoes for you.
I wonder where you'll get some?
Hmmm... 100 yards away, maybe?
at 10 p.m.
actually sounds pretty good.
I'm so glad that part of my life is over. Don't worry. You'll look back on this time in your life, and it will all be a blur. You won't even remember how painstakingly hard you procrastinated on things and the work it caused you. :) Good luck!
Youre not going crazy... Look at your picture- you look totally sane. I suffer from procrastination too.
It stresses me out just reading about it!<:(
The picture is totally perfect for your post. Good luck with the test.
You are NOT a PROCRASTINATOR and never let anyone tell you that you are (That's what I consistently tell myself when I'm up until 2 am trying to work on my thesis). You're just the type of person that gets ready for things day-by-day....and there's NOTHING wrong with that. If you were in my class, I would totally bargain with you to share homework and take turns doing chapter reviews.
PS: The potatoes were AWESOME. We made baked and mashed with them. Wish I could get some more :0)
Ahh...school and eight hours of working on studying...studying has become my best friend (it's a love-hate relationship). I feel your pain. Good luck on your test!
I've adopted the motto, "If you save it for the last minute, it will only take a minute". However I've found that that doesn't really work so well with school work. haha. Good luck with that. :)
Procrastination is of the devil--I know because I do it too!! I have to teach Relief Society on fast Sunday (which is in just over 1 week) and I haven't even thought about it let alone started preparing. I am sure I will be doing it the night before.
Oh Jillene - I am teaching YW Sunday and I don't even know what the lesson is on. lol
Michelle - if by a minute, you mean 9 hours (because I worked on it for another hour after this post) then yeah... :)
Kayliegh - only best friend because of how much time you spend with it. Totally love-hate; what a great way to describe it!
Teresa - yeah! I'm day by dayer! I'm going to tell people that. I have to call my dad and tell him because he STILL will lecture me on procrastinating even though I'm 22 and married and almost done with school. Oh.. and a thesis?? Yuck :) Oh, and potatoes. I MIGHT be able to work something out next time I come... maybe.
Jo - thanks!
Mommy madness - yeah.. imagine what it must be like to have to TAKE the stupid test I feel like i know nothing about.
Alexis - it is an affliction, huh?
Oh Ashley - I hope to remember this so I can remember to never further my education :)
Hello! I am Teresa's cousin (the one that is telling you that you are not a procrastinator... agreed, btw). I am just checking out people's blogs. I went to Ricks (I am old) and loved it. Too bad it wasn't four years when I went. I had to go to BSU for the rest. Anyway, thought I would say hello!
When I get nostalgic for my college days it is reading things like this that make me snap right out of it. I don't miss all the work and studying and exams at all! You will be so happy when it's all done. It's the getting done part that can be so hard--a procrastinator's nightmare!
OK, Just go home and take a nap!
Strawberry shortcake - My husband went to BYU-I when it was Ricks :) You are not old! And thanks for coming by
Donna - I know. I like learning, but I really do hate the work. I also love the social aspect of it. I think that will be the only thing I will miss.
Wendy - I love naps...
School = procrastination. And that word is so long that you just might want to put off writing it down anyway. Good luck Whitney!
i posted a response to the tag you gave me, I DID IT!! Its lame but I did it!
Whit- do a Mormon Jeopardy and the winning team gets a prize like candy. My dad did that a LOT in YM. Categories besides like duh, Nook of Mormon, etc. included Ward History, etc. It's FUN!
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