I just found out about this tradition today. I didn't post yesterday so I was sad that maybe I couldn't do it. Then I decided I didn't care that I missed November 1st, I'll just do 29 posts in 29 days.
I can't gurantee exciting stuff. Maybe this will be eye opening. I'll blog about whatever I'm feeling. Like right now. Massive head ache but I didn't want to take P.M. because I get super groggy the next day and I don't want to be groggy tomorrow. Instead I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my head/neck and that seems to help quite a bit.
Also, I just got done with a homework assignment that is due tomorrow morning for my Sports Conditioning class.
Also, I have been working on Stephanie's baby shower invites ALL DAY today and they really have turned out quite nice. I'm rather proud of myself.
I'll post pictures maybe tomorrow. Or the next day... whichever.
Here's to my extra hour of making invites today and driving to class tomorrow morning while it is LIGHT outside!
I'm tired. Goodnight!
Oh, what does nablopomo mean anyway?
If I were to guess I'd say it meant, nothing about blogging looks on point of mountain options. Yeah?
Hi! I'm a slacker on the word verification blog. I'll post something one of these days. :) Hope your headache goes away!
You go girl!
I have seen this little challenge swirling around, and the thought of blogging every day seems like a lot.... even though it isn't really, I think I will just watch this time. Can't wait to see what the month brings you!
NAtional BLOg POsting MOnth
I hate headaches!
30 posts in 30 days makes me tired.
When I first started my blog, I posted every day for over 2 months. And many of my posts sucked because it was quantity over quality, so the thought of doing this makes me tired.
Good luck!
More power to ya, Whitney. When you post everyday, sometimes you have to get creative. You'll definitely start thinking outside the box for things to blog about...or you'll be more aware about things you can blog about during the day. It gets quite interesting.
Where did my other comment go??!
Oh crap I wasn't "signed in" proper like, so annoying!!
Please Whit, you have loads you can write about, I TAGGED you, thats one, more Jaren stories, 2, more you and Jaren falling in LUB, 3 and SO ON!!
What if you blog every day it is boring posts?? Uhoh....It's been only 2 months but I don't wanna BORE people!!
Good for you. I see your commitment by the fact you're blogging with a headache. I couldn't do that. My goal this month is to post twice a week. That's HUGE for me. BUt if I'm putting myself out there in this "community," it's be lame to do the every-other-week that I've done for the last couple of years. So that scares me enough...every day? I'd hide. But I'm excited to see how it goes for you.
Yay for joining Nablopomo! This is my third year and it has been good for me to do it. Now I just need to write it down, when I say, I need to blog about that. Hope your headache is better and yay for driving in the light.
Uuuummmm....I really wanted to participate in this but my computer is on the fritz!! BOO!!
There is no way I could do that. Well, and make them any good. I bet you could though! Good luck!
wow! you are braver than i, i could see my self resorting to making lists of what i did the day before...not cool!
You're going to post everyday?! This is going to be the best month EVAH!
When you don't knwo what to post about, post a recipe. I bet you have lots of interesting potato recipes :P Even better: make the recipe and post a photo with the recipe!
I bet if you did a few extra posts that would count and you could still be a part of the 30 posts in 30 days.
I thought about doing that, but I have too much to do this month. My daughter is getting married.
And I'm 7 months pregnant.
I'm sorry for your headache.
I look forward to seeing what you have to say this month!
You're crazy girl! But thats cool stuff!! You go for it you lil bloggin machine you!! Yes you can post about my rice a roni experience if you really want!! Hope all is going super rad!! Miss ya!
Maybe I should try this... only I dont think 'll have enough interesting things to say everyday.
Ive been slacking on the word verification blog too. Surry.
Im proud of you for being all Martha and MAKING invitations. one time I threw a baby shower for one of my best friends and I forgot to invite one of our other best friends. It was HORRIBLE. I could not get over the guilt. THats the kind of stuff that makes me sick to my stomach for days. What I am trying to say is dont do what I did.
You made a very pretty Princess. I can't believe you could get Jared to play along. Thats pretty fun of you. I'm not big into dressing up but Ruben was really wanting too..... Harley Bikers ---- YUCK
Anyways, you look really good....
Hopefully your feeling better.
Wow, good luck on your goal. 30 days and 30 posts. I'll be here to read all, if not, most. I'll even comment.
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