there was a girl named Nitney. Nitney decided she wanted to document thoughts and events in her life so she started a blog. After her first few posts she realized she looooved comments and 2 or 3 definitely wasn't enough. So after becoming addicted and needing humungous fixes she started posting just a little bit more. And still, only 3 or 4 comments.
Nitney recieved an email from a friend who linked her to Samn's blog. Samn had posted a good 3 or 4 times before she discovered it but she was a little afraid to comment. She didn't even know Samn! But after reading a few more posts and finding them rather funny she did it. She commented.
All the sudden a new world was opened up to her! She started clicking on other people who commented on Samns blog and laughed but didn't comment. After a month or so Nitney decided to take it one step further. She found a blog she had been to a few times and commented on Blistina's blog. Blistina was hilarious, Nitney noticed she had MILLIONS of comments on EACH post! Nitney also saw that she had a list of "gliber-bff's" and thought... wait? These are people Blistina is friends with ONLINE? Not in real life? Like maybe... me? After commenting Blistina added Nitney to her gliber-bff's and she felt so special!
Days went by and little by little other people started to find Nitney's blog and she found others and was very brave and commented some more! Many moons went by and she had quite the faithful followers which she was grateful for and had really come to apreciate.
Then.... she found something called, "Site Meter" through one of her smogarific bff's, Blary. So she added it to her site only to find that many more peole were stopping by her page than were commenting. Now, this broke her fragile little heart and she wondered.... do these people not have an opinion? Do they point and laugh and then run away? Are they shy? Have they not discovered the world of blog stalking friends? Maybe they are just perusing and don't care for this blog? Or maybe they just don't know how to comment.
So Nitney just wants to know who's looking and what they think. She told me to ask you all not to be afraid and to make yourself known if you wish. Or just take the poll on the top right corner and let her know if you like to read, but not comment. She also told me to tell you that if that's what you like to do, then that' s okay, as long as she makes you happy or even chuckle or just feel entertained.
Oh, and Nitney wants to thank all of her awesome smogarific bff's for being so faithful and commenting all over the place! She also says thank you to those who she knows in person that comment. She said she is excited and nervous to meet everyone next month. :)

Since Bulie wasn't mentioned in this post, I almost didn't comment. But I still did. Happy pappy? haha
Yes! In my next post I'll subliminally mention Bulie, kay?
This Nitney chick sounds cool. :) I hope I'm now one of her gliber-bff's?
Ash - Nitney told me to tell you you've been a gliber - bff since your first comment :)
Poor Nitney, her name is terrible almost as bad as Blary.
What's with the babies? You're so odd.
We all owe so much to SAMN don't we? I should by one of her shirts but I know I never will.
I meant to misspell "buy" so I could write a follow-up comment thus adding to your comment happiness meter.
Speaking of rhyming names, I have a question- do people ever call you Brittany? Cause people call me Whitney all the time.
Of course I also get called Courtney, Tiffany and Bridget.
Mary Mary Mary - I was hoping someone would notice the randomness or.. weirdness of the babies. I just love them, that's all.
I bought a Fro-Yo shirt and it makes my arms look fat. (Or maybe my fat arms make the shirt look fat?)
My comment happiness meter went up. As well as my life expectancy.
LOL - Bridget? Yes, I always am called Brittany. Especially since now my SIL is named Britney. And my little sister is named Lindsey so I get called that, too.
And most recently in some of my classes, by teachers: farmer, Raybould and Tara... And each one, except for Raybould I give them a frownsmile blank stare
It sounds like Nitney and are are birds of a feather. Sorry it took me so long to make her feel special.
Oh my dear Nitney! I hope that she is feeling more blogeriffic! If she wants I can make 20 comments on each post--as long as she does it on mine!
Oh yeah--LOVE the new layout! I wish I would have waited to do mine--these new ones are WAY cuter!
*Only 18 more to go! (0;
I will admit, I read your blog and never comment!! This is Taylor Byington's sister by the way!!! And as much as you like kids....I may just have to have you babysit sometime!!! I live in Rexburg too, but just until December!
YES! It's working! Nice for you to come out Tiffany. If you'd like me to baby sit I'd love to. It's not like I do anything other than go to school and housekeep and wife. That's about it. I'd like to add growing a baby into that description but.. well, you read, you know. :)
Christa - what is important is you did! And now were bff's-isn't it great?!
Jillene - Between the two of us we can make this happen. (I can't figure out why I'm so hyper tonight.....)
are those pics of nitney?
because i have to say, bloggers are starting at a very early age these days.
Bah ha ha Rychelle - Silly girl. Babies can't blog! Top one is Snaire and the bottom is Blisak. They are the babies I didn't have.
Wow, this Blistina girl sounds amazing, even if her name sounds like a pus filled mass on someone's toe. I may have to start stalking her immediately.
And I use Statcounter, which I love. Don't feel bad. I get about 6 times more hits than I do comments, so you do the math.
Oh, and I got SAMN's little gift to us in the mail today! Life really IS a kick=a fairytale!
I think nhitney is filarious, and is glad she farted a blog and that I found a new frog blend.
Marona remembers the first time she got a comment from Nitnie- she was so excited to have a new cyber friend who wasn't a creepy old man and trying to be nasty. She commented back, and now it is happily ever after.
Everyone's comments are making me laugh. So clever!
Kristina - for some reason Nitney has a lot of friends that start with a "bl".. kinda strange. And if you got it yesterday... I should get it today or Monday! I'm excited. Maybe I'll send one to you. lol
Brenda - thank you for telling the WHOLE BLOGGING WORLD I farted a blog. I seem to do that ALL the time. Yours was one I had seen quite a few times but didn't comment on and then finally did.
Ramona - I was excited to find out your name was Ramona. I like that name.... I don't think I've ever met a Marona or Ramona!
Look--it's me with number 3!! I don't know what to say except....shadoobie!! (0;
Nitney's story sounds alot like my friends story, Lendy!!! she was addicted to blogging, but had no cyber friends, just in person friends who only stop by once in a while to say hi!! I owe my cyber friends to Blistina!!
Yes, you are a top-notch commenting blogger buddy. You're probably going straight to the Celestial Kindom for it too - spreading all that happiness around - Very appreciated by one and all:)
I new someone was calling me!
Love your newest blog stalker
I live for comments to so don't be afraid to stop by.
You are such a cutie. I love the comments you leave me:)
Nitney's story sounds, oh so familiar somehow...
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