Saturday, May 8, 2010

All Night Long

I slept! Hooray for zonked out babies! We've had a few nights where she has slept from 7 - 5:30, but nothing where she sleeps from the moment she initially falls asleep till we wake up. Oh it is so nice. It took one night of her crying during the night. A lot better than I thought.

I ran yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks and I learned I am going to have to really push myself to run a half marathon in a month.

I did the laundry! And cleaned the kitchen! And got my new high chair!

I get as excited for new baby stuff as I do for new clothes for myself. The high chair came yesterday and I set it up with my Mother in Law. I love it because it straps her in like a back pack. With straps over the shoulders and everything. We've been having problems with her chewing on the left side of her bumbo while I'm trying to feed her. Crazy girl.

And I got new spoons that I am in LOVE with. Weird? Does this mean I'm totally a boring mom now that I am so excited about a high chair and SPOONS? Oh... don't get me started on the magical booger sucker.

Pictures of spoons and high chair and boring Mommy person to come as soon as I get my new desktop with space to unload the massive amount of pictures on my camera.


Alexis Treese said...

Just left a comment then closed the box without pressing enter. Mommy brain. I totally get the spoon giddyness. I couldnt believe how happy new dishtowels and mixing bowls made me last week. It used to take a pair of designer jeans. I want to see pictures!!

We need a new high chair, sigh, the strap in seat is just not cutting it.

Hope your well, you sound great!

The Risenmays said...

Don't you just feel like a new person when you get an entire night full of sleep? If only babies could understand and be consistent:)

Jillene said...

Seriously--the above 2 comments--so annoying.

It's funny how we mom's get excited over what seems like silly things. But that is just the nature of Motherhood. I hope that you had a Happy Mother's Day!!