Friday, March 20, 2009

The Nightmare

Last night I had the strangest nightmare.

See, yesterday was a crazy day. I almost forgot about my visiting teaching appointments and remembered (I had remembered all day, but spaced it while VTing) at 6:30 it was my dad's birthday. I never call my parents late! I did call my mom late on her last birthday, school really is so controlling. So, yesterday was crazy frantic and just weird.

I think that's why I dreamt what I dreamt.

First my schedule on Thursdays goes like this: Class from 8-9:30, then lab from 12:45-2:45.

In my dream: It's Thursday and I'm on my way to my lab when all of the sudden I remember - "Oh my gosh! I forgot about my English class!!" The panic that went through me was immense. Because not only had I forgotten about it that day, I had forgotten about it for an entire month. I remembered that it was scheduled at 9:45 - 12:30. It was a three credit class one day a week, which was why it was so long. I panicked, went to my lab panicked the whole time, then went to the third floor of the English building to get it worked out - I was going to graduate!!!! First of all, the third floor I went to was definitely NOT a BYU-Idaho building. It was totally funky. Neon lights, cafe's, all of the English offices were in the center of the floor with no walls. Tons of people were there, music was playing.. it was really weird considering the horror I was feeling. I went to the English secretary and explained to her that we had two weeks off because the teacher had to go somewhere and during that time I had completely forgot about the class. She was surprised to hear that the teach took 2 weeks off and by her reaction I thought that maybe there was someway I could get around this. I told her I was graduating and I did NOT want to come back for ONE class once a week. I told her I'd make up all my work in the next 3 weeks (all that's really left of the semester).

I remember thinking through my dream wonering if there really was an English class that I had forgotten about. I tried to remember to the beginning of the semester if Thursdays were spent going to an English class. And I could remember the class but all of the people in it were people from my high school.

I woke up at this point, sweating and racking my brain for that English class. But, luckily I finished all of my English classes my first semester married - summer semester of 2007.

I'm still graduating on time :) I picked up my cap and gown yesterday and got a free water bottle and chocolate bar! I thought... wow, this is the most expensive Crunch bar I've ever bought, the price of a brand new car. Oh, and I had to pay 5 bucks for the "Class of 2009" shirts. But I liked the shirt, so I did it.

I'm almost finished! It's getting a little overwhelming because there is SO MUCH to do, but it will be over so fast. And then I can plant my veggi garden and some flowers. And hopefully get started on growing that baby I've been rather ready for.

I hope I don't have anymore Nightmares with this theme.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DagNab that DVR

Don't you just want to cry tears of sorrow when you are done watching DVR'd house only to look at the guide and see that American Idol is on but isn't taping because you forgot to cancel The Biggest Loser because you'd much rather watch a few people sing and Paula dance around like a crazy person who drank too much Coke. So you click over only to watch the last 10 minutes, one person perform and not even your favorite?

Yeah.... me neither.........

thank heavens for the super long re-cap's at the end

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm Alive!

I promise, I haven't really dropped off the face of the blogosphere. I still look at blogs I just don't have time to comment and read every post that I've missed so I'm skimming when I have time. It's been a while since I've gone this long without posting.

School is getting more and more busy. I have 5 weeks left and, honestly, it could NOT go any slower..... I'm so ready to be finished. I'm trying to do the math to see if I could still pass my classes if I just stop going. Chances aren't high. So I'm just running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to stay caught up and turn things in on time. I'll try and update a little more often...

News: My brother's have had their babies. Well, the wives did all the work. Kevin and Lena were waiting to find out what they were having and we were all pleasantly surprised to find out the "him" was actually a she :) Her name is Lucy and she is beautiful. I have yet to meet her in person since they are in Boise, but they will be coming here at the end of the month for a combined baby blessing day with Nathan. Nathan and Steph(the one I threw the shower for) had their little boy just under a week and a half after Kevin and Lena had theirs. Conner stopped breathing and had to be taken to NICU right after he was born. He's almost 2 weeks old now and is healthy and so stinkin cute. I go over there every day to hold him and just stare... He makes the cutest facial expressions and I just smile. Can't wait till I get my own someday. Then I can stare all I want :)
My mom is up right now visiting and helping with Conner and it's been so nice getting to see her every day as well. It's been hard getting over there when I have so much to do and not a lot of time to fit it all in. But I just stop by for half an hour to an hour and that keeps me pretty well satisfied.

Well, I've got quite the next few weeks ahead of me. I'll try to update more. I've missed you all!

Here are a few pictures

Here is Conner only a few hours old in the NICU. In a few weeks I'll have some pictures of my own of Lucy to show.
I had dinner with these beautiful girls.
We went to a Jazz game. It was the game after Larry died and so we saw the (3 minute) memorial they did for him. I thought it could have been a little longer..... They won, though!
At the Jazz game :)